Hi there, I am Petra Meikle De Vlas one of many Cairns Artists creating for a living here in FNQ. My studio is in the beautiful northern beach village of Holloways Beach. In this space, I wish to share my journey, a voyage woven into the rich tapestry of the Australian Art, nurtured by the breathtaking landscapes and cultural diversity of Far North Queensland. A Canvas of Natural Beauty, with its lush rainforests, stunning reefs, and diverse wildlife, has been a constant source of inspiration.
As with most Cairns Artists , the natural beauty surrounding me breathes life into my creations, allowing each piece to resonate with the vibrant energies and colors of this magnificent region.
Tropical NorthQueensland: A Melting Pot of Artistic Inspiration
Cairns Artists have a great community and culture where the captivating sea and landscapes have fueled our artistic passions. It’s where the local art scene, brimming with talent and diversity, has been a pillar of support and inspiration, allowing my creativity to flourish and explore new horizons.
Conclusion: Celebrating the Artistic Spirit of Queensland
As one of Cairns Artists I ask you to join me in celebrating the artistic spirit of this region. Explore the artworks that are a tribute to this land’s beauty, diversity, and the wonderful community that makes it a haven for Artist such as myself.